You can treat up to 5 lakh free treatment by making this special card in only 30 rupees under the Ayodhya scheme launched by the Modi government. The name of this card is a golden card, though this should include your name for this scheme. Under this scheme, about 50 crore people of 100 million families are involved in the scheme. Treatment upto Rs 5 lakhs will be given free of cost.
The Golden Card will be made in two locations hospital and Common Service Center (CSC). CSC centers have been set up to help people living in villages easily benefit from this scheme. The card creation process will be started from next week. To make a card, you have to pay 30 rupees. The card will be laminated. Come to the CSC in the scheme and check your name in the list of Ayyamastan India.
If a family has five people, then everyone will have a separate card. Apart from CSC the card will also be in the hospital. The cards in the hospital will be made for free. Under the Prime Minister Jan Swasthya Yojana, the country's first Golden Card was made in Hazaribagh District Hospital. The first golden card has been made from the name of women named Renu Devi.
Prime Minister's letter is being mailed to PMO every beneficiary of Ayyamtham Health Insurance Scheme. The next process of insurance will be started through this letter. The biggest feature of this letter is that it has a QR code. With QR codes, your identity will be easily accessible in a health center or hospital. The QR code of all the beneficiaries is different. Therefore, after the QR code has been scheduled for your hospital, a beneficial candidate will be issued a Golden Card. This Golden Card will always work for you.
Prime Minister's letter is being mailed to PMO every beneficiary of Ayyamtham Health Insurance Scheme. The next process of insurance will be started through this letter. The biggest feature of this letter is that it has a QR code. With QR codes, your identity will be easily accessible in a health center or hospital. The QR code of all the beneficiaries is different. Therefore, after the QR code has been scheduled for your hospital, a beneficial candidate will be issued a Golden Card. This Golden Card will always work for you.
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